Data Overview

givvable API focuses on the organisation and associated credentials. The way our data consumers generally with our API is by either using

  1. Look up an organisation by identifier (identifier being local organisation identifier such as ABN or ACN in Australia)

  2. Discover organisations based on various criteria (eg. location or credentials)

Get started

You will be required to generate an API key make any calls.

Make sure you have read and understood our terms and conditions as there are certain requirements around the usage of data and displaying the results.

Pull information about an organisation

You can either pull information by our internal slug/ID if you eg. have it stored already against your data set OR you can pull organisation based on its local identifier. We store multiple identifiers, therefore an organisation can have few of those eg. ABN, ACN, D-U-N-S numbers.

Get organisation by internal slug

curl -v -X GET "" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "x-api-key: XXXX"

Get organisation by identifier (ABN 638160951)

curl -v -X GET "" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "x-api-key: XXXX"

Above call doesn't specify which identifier specifically to use. You can use getOrganisationIdentifierTypes to pull all identifiers and find one that's relevant to you and specify it as the type you want to look up (only).

Get all organisations that match specific set of criteria

We have a number of different criteria that can be specified when looking for organisations. You don't have to specify all criteria as long as there is at least one criteria present the API will return results.

  1. Keyword (eg. "Westpac")

  2. Categories (aka. product & services) - use getCategories to find IDs)

  3. Locations (use getLocations to find IDs of locations - eg. 148464 is Australia)

  4. Credentials (use getCredentials to find IDs - eg. 2 for Certified B-Corporation)

  5. Events (use getEvents to find IDs - eg. 17 for World Mental Health Day)

  6. Themes

  7. SDG

  8. Porfolios (use a predefined set of organisations or credentials as your portfolio - contact us for more information)

Get organisations that contain "Westpac" in the name

curl -v -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "x-api-key: XXXX" --data-raw "{ \"keyword\": \"Westpac\" }"


We support over 2 thousands credentials that are continuously synchronised from the credential issuers.

Refresh frequency

Credential entity contains an attribute "refreshFreqency" which indicates how often the credential is refreshed from the source.

  • High - minimum one refresh every 8 weeks

  • Medium - minimum one every 24 weeks

  • Low - minimum one refresh every 48 weeks or requires self-declaration